Moving Checklist Saskatchewan

Moving Checklist Saskatchewan
Moving Checklist Saskatchewan
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2 Months Out: Begin Your Exciting Moving Adventure

As you start your moving adventure in Saskatchewan, begin by sorting and decluttering your belongings. This is the perfect time to decide what to keep, donate, or sell. You’ll also want to start researching moving companies. Look for reviews, ratings, and get a few quotes to find the best match for your needs. Remember, your perfect moving partner awaits you to make relocating an enjoyable experience!

Start collecting packing supplies at this stage – it’s never too early! Cardboard boxes, packing paper, bubble wrap, and tape are essential. Now is the time to contact utility companies to inform them of your move. If you’re moving out of Saskatchewan, remember to notify the Ministry of Health to transfer your health card. You can reach them at 1-800-667-7551 or online at

1 Month Out: Keep the Momentum Going in Your Move

With a month to go, your Moving Checklist Saskatchewan journey is in full swing! It’s time to start packing less frequently used items and labeling your boxes by room for easy unpacking. If you have children, contact their schools to transfer records to their new school.

Begin changing your address with various institutions. Contact Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) at 1-800-667-9868 or online at to update your driver’s license and vehicle registration. Don’t forget to update your address with Canada Post both for mail forwarding and on any subscriptions or memberships you have!

3 Weeks Out: The Countdown to Your New Home Begins

With three weeks to go, the countdown to your new Saskatchewan home truly begins! Continue packing, focusing now on items you use more often. Make a list of items you’ll need immediately in your new home and pack these in a separate, clearly marked box.

At this stage, confirm your moving date and details with your chosen moving company. Also, confirm your change of address with your bank, insurance companies, and other financial institutions. Many of these changes can be made online or over the phone for your convenience.

1 Week Before: Final Preparations for Your Big Move

In the final week before your move, pack your suitcases with clothes and essential items you’ll need for the first few days. Make sure all your boxes are labeled, and create an inventory list to ensure nothing gets misplaced during the move.

Double-check that you’ve updated your address with all necessary institutions. Remember to notify your service providers – such as internet, cable, and utilities – about your move. This ensures a seamless transition of services to your new Saskatchewan home.

2 Days Before: The Thrill of Almost Being There

The thrill of almost being there fills the air two days before your move! Do a final walk-through of your home, checking all cupboards, closets, and rooms to ensure nothing is left behind. This is also a good time to disassemble large furniture pieces, if applicable.

Remember to defrost your refrigerator at least 24 hours before the move, and make sure all appliances are clean and ready to go. Finally, organize and set aside all essential documents, valuables, and items you’ll keep with you during the move.

On Moving Day: Embrace the Joy of Your New Beginnings

On moving day, it’s time to embrace the joy of your new beginnings in Saskatchewan! Once the movers arrive, please ensure your house is ready for moving in. It’s crucial to have a clear path for the movers to carry out your items safely, so ensure all doors, corridors, and driveways are clear of obstacles.

After everything is loaded onto the truck, take one last walk-through of your house. Check that everything is out and all utilities are switched off. Then, lock all doors and windows before heading off to your new home. Congratulations on your successful move!


Q: How early should I start packing for my move to Saskatchewan?
A: It’s a good idea to start packing about two months before your move. Begin with items you use infrequently.

Q: How do I update my address when moving in Saskatchewan?
A: You should update your address with various institutions such as SGI, your bank, insurance companies, and Canada Post.

Q: What should I do on the day of the move?
A: On moving day, ensure that the movers have a clear path for transporting items, verify the inventory list, and do a final walk-through of your house.

Q: When should I notify utility companies about my move?
A: Ideally, you should notify utility companies about your move 1-2 months in advance.

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Saskatchewan Moving Company(Opens in a new browser tab)

Post-move Checklist: What To Do After You’ve Moved In(Opens in a new browser tab)

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