Moving a pool table is very similar to moving a piano. They both have complex pieces and can cost a ton of money if parts become broken. On average, a pool table can weigh between 500-1,000 lbs, so it’s vital to assemble a team to have it moved safely. Breaking down the pool table can take, on average, an hour from start to finish. It’s going to take a team of three to four friends to help with the entire process. If you want to avoid paying upwards of $500 to hire a mover who specializes in moving pool tables, here are few tips on how to move a pool table:
Removing the Bumpers
Start by removing the bumpers from all sides of the pool table. Depending on the type of wood you have, the bumpers should be pretty easy to remove. Once all the bumpers have been removed, it’ll expose the slate that I will discuss later in this guide.
Removing the Felt
It’s time to remove the felt. The felt is either stapled or glued to the table, possibly even both. Whether it’s stapled or glued, you should be gentle during the removal process, making sure not to rip the felt near pocket areas. Start by going around the table clockwise or counterclockwise instead of starting in different areas of the pool table.
Picking up the Slate
Now that the felt is off, you are going to need a helping hand with the slate. A drill is the best tool for removing slate tables. If your pool table has plaster or beeswax covering the screws, any screwdriver should do the trick. Once again, take your time removing screws. Pool tables typically come with two or three pieces of slate that can be between ¾ to 1” thick, so you mustn’t try to lift it on your own. The slate is hefty but fragile. Make sure you crate or transport it flat with additional padding for cushion.
Disassemble the Legs
We’re almost done! This is where your group of friends will come in handy. Now carefully flip the pool table over and take the legs off the frame. Now that the pool table is upside down, removing the pockets should be a breeze.
Loading the Pool Table
Finally! All the pieces to the pool table have been broken down. Hopefully, you’ve already wrapped and protected each section for the trip. On your way to the truck, make sure the frame is already flipped upside down so there won’t be a need to flip it once it’s time to load it. Lastly, securely place all the other items on top of the frame. Your pool table is ready to go!
If you still think this may be too much of a bother, you should hire a professional pool table mover. Pool tables are heavy, and lifting without the proper help can quickly turn into someone getting hurt. Never attempt to take on more than you can handle when trying to move anything.