Top Things To Do Before Moving Out of Your House

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You’ve sold your old home, and it is time to prepare to move to your new home, which is all nice and is an excellent time in your life. Still, there are many things to know and do before putting your old home behind you and moving to your new place.

Luckily for you, we have you covered as we are among the top professional movers in the Vancouver area. We are also full-service movers and provide residential + commercial moving and storage services.That said, we know all the ins and outs you need to know before leaving your old place to its new tenants. So, we’ve prepared the following list of things you need to do before you move out of your house.

· Arrange mail forwarding with the postal service

Visit your nearest post office and fill out the necessary paperwork to change your address. Alternatively, you can go to the Post service’s website and change your address. Also, remember to update your address with your subscriptions, and any website’s that you have ordered things from, so your orders will arrive at your new address. Also, leave your new address with the new occupants of your old house so that they can forward a delivery should it arrive at the old address.

· Provide a disconnect date for utilities and provide your new address for the final bill

Let all the utility companies know you are moving and provide the move-out date to know when to discontinue services. Also, provide them with your new address so they can send you the final bill. Make sure you don’t forget any of the utilities like electricity, water, gas, sewer, cable, garbage, security company, etc.

· Arrange the cancelation of the homeowner’s insurance on the move-out day

Before you move out, you need to cancel the homeowner’s insurance coverage on your old home, as this is not something that is done automatically when you take a new homeowner’s insurance on a new house. Arrange it so you’ll be covered, including moving day, to be on the safe side.

·Organize your things for moving/placing in storage

Organize your things and decide what goes where: what things will go with you and what will be placed in storage. We provide professional storage services and have covered several topics about organizing your move, so check out our blog for more details.

·Arrange deep cleaning of your old house

Many often forget that you need to do a deep clean of your old house before moving out, as it is easy to get distracted with moving boxes, packing and unpacking, and the like. Ensure you have a broom and a vacuum ready, wipe down and dust everything, and mop the floors before leaving the premises. If you don’t have the time to do this, we also provide professional cleaning services in the Metro Vancouver area. Now that you know what to do when moving out of your old home, feel free to contact us to get a custom quote and tailored moving experience per your needs.