37 Things To Get Rid Of Before You Move House

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We’re well and truly into spring, and if you’re relocating to a new home, you’re probably combining your packing with a little spring cleaning. With 29% of Canadians admitting that their home is the most disorganized aspect of their life, a new address can be the perfect opportunity to nip all that clutter in the bud, once and for all. 

Understandably, you may be a little hung up on what to keep and what to toss in the trash. The truth is, getting rid of stuff is often harder than we anticipate, particularly if there’s a nostalgic value attached to the item. With increasing environmental concerns amongst households, loading up the garbage bags can also make you feel pretty wasteful. So, make sure to recycle or donate what you can. 

If you’re the indecisive type or need a little help with your organizing process, we’ve listed the must-get-rid-of items according to room. Once you’ve tackled the jumble of unnecessary stuff, you’ll be more prepared to start packing and boxing the important items that are coming with you to your new home. 







When preparing for a move, decluttering should top your to-do list, saving you money and simplifying the process. Draft a list of things to get rid of before moving. Kickstart with your wardrobe, donating clothes you haven’t worn in over a year or don’t fit. Sell trendy ones online to make some cash. Next, check your kitchen; do you need three coffee makers or multiple frying pans? Keep essentials, sell or give away the rest. Evaluate your furniture; moving bulky items is costly and troublesome. If you plan to replace old or worn-out furniture, now’s the time to dispose, sell, or donate. Don’t overlook your bookshelf; donate read books to a library, sell them, or organize a book swap. Check your garage/storage areas for unused tools, old sports equipment, or items from hobbies you’ve outgrown. Lastly, declutter digital items like old laptops or obsolete electronics by recycling responsibly. Decluttering makes your move easier, helps start afresh in a clutter-free home and also symbolizes the beginning of a new life chapter. Use our thorough list of Things To Get Rid Of Before You Move and systematically get rid of items to ensure your new home is organized and peaceful.

Remember, a lot of this stuff can and should be given away or appropriately disposed of, but once you’ve confronted the emotional attachment to the items that add no real value to your present life, the rest of your move becomes much easier. Starting clean and making a decision to accumulate less clutter in the future will put you back in control of your domestic environment and make settling into your new home more pleasant and exciting. 

While we’re more than happy to help you pack and transport any belongings or pieces of furniture, taking stock of your personal inventory is always a good idea. By carefully reviewing your household contents and clearing out the things you’ve outgrown or no longer need, the process of moving becomes more enjoyable, and you’ll feel less overwhelmed when it comes to unpacking. So, happy spring cleaning, and don’t forget to give us a call when you’re ready to move.